


Dump that damn alu

I bought lu lucent tech stocks back about 10 years ago, 200 at $4.05. Then suddenly in 2006, alcatar bought lu, so my 200 stocks becomes 39 shares of alu at about 14 when lu dropped to 2.05.

Someday I will dump this sucker. Now it became a penny stock, it is just 39 shares so I don,t bother to sell it, just assume I lost all the 800 bucks, back in 10 years ago.

Lessons learned: buy and hold will not bring you anywhere. You need to have a plan or strategy, an exit strategy to know when to get out of the game.





articlemarketingautomation.com is closed

Here is what I got from google cache:

Why did we close the doors?

It’s simple. AMA still works. Google are targeting networks which confirms one thing. Networks work. And they work too well. But this targeting, it’s being done by manual intervention.

Our first priority, is to protect the network, and how that network works. We’ll improve how our system works. We’ll tighten our belts. We were the first, and we’ll likely be the last. But understand one thing.

If AMA does go the way of the dodo, we’ll man up and tell you. To any networks that are still running, grow some balls and be honest.


Big Easy, 美酒,佳肴,喧闹的波旁街,优雅的建筑,静处一隅的花园区,死一般静寂的圣路易斯公墓,这些,都还不是新奥尔良的全部。




阳光下的新奥尔良固然有她的艳丽,可我觉得阴霾下、细雨中的BIG EASY却是美妙无比。撑一把伞,走在也许有些破旧的街道上,最好是在花园区长长的街巷里,有百年的古橡树从街道两旁伸出枝来,是天然的绿色走廊。缀以南方特有的Spanish Moth,古树有如在烟幕中,神秘而忧伤。当你沉静在这刹那的伤感中时,远处教堂的钟声,有时是游船上汽笛的乐音,会慢慢地把你唤回现实。



Touchpad: first impressions

While Ipad 2 is so light and slim, HP’s touchpad is even thicker than ipad1 with no rear camera and tried to sell at the same price with very few apps, no wonder this thing did not fly.

That said, the webOS multitasking is very impressive. I do like its email program better than any smartphones and tablets. I am expecting being a professional rather than consumer tablet, its Quickoffice should work like a charm. But so far I’m a bit disappointed. the virtual keyboard is really nice, by the way.

P. S.: after I posted this via touchpad s WordPress app, I am surprised to find the post was lost. It did not show up on my blog! After some digging after I logged into my blog via web browser, I finally found this baby. Fortunately it did not get lost. You know what, when I published this post using touchpad WordPress app, it got published on 1999. I have to search my posts using keyword touch to dig this post out via web ui.