助学生备考中华文化知识赛、周末中文竞赛推出中国文化月 优胜者将获奖品


助学生备考中华文化知识赛、周末中文竞赛推出中国文化月 优胜者将获奖品


164周周末中文竞赛 (2010125日到2010131) 结果已经揭晓。优胜者是:

Willie Jin

国际中文实验室网上周末中文竞赛最近获得Emory University孔子学院赞助,每月累计总分前两名将获得奖品。每月获奖者名单于下揭晓,奖品随后颁发, 请大家踊跃参加。有关详情请关注:www.iChineseLab.com

为帮助学生准备参加中国国务院侨办主办的华裔青少年中华文化知识竞赛 2010年美国赛区考试将于2底至3月初举行),国际中文实验室网上周末中文竞赛于二月一日推出中国文化月,二月份及三月初的竞赛题目以测试中华文化知识为主,考题以国务院侨办主编的《中国文化常识》、 《中国地理常识》 、《中国历史常识》(简称《三常丛书》)为基础。这一期间的竞赛题目取自国务院侨办公布的400 道复习范围样题正式考题将是从中选取 100, 全部为选择题,每次一个专题,如中华节日民俗、中国历史等等,共10题,短小而有趣。即使不参加华裔青少年中华文化知识竞赛,让孩子借此从小了解中国文化,也是非常有意义的。国际中文实验室网上周末中文竞赛系统将自动给参赛者当场判分,评分办法参照中国国务院侨办400复习范围样题的说明国际中文实验室拟于考题中增加注释及多媒体材料,帮助大家学习。竞赛优胜者将同样获得由Emory University孔子学院赞助的奖品请大家踊跃参加。任何建议或意见,请电询 iChineseLab AT iChineseLab.com

A prize will be awarded to the monthly Winner, sponsored by Confucius Institute in Atlanta at Emory University.


国际中文实验室旨在推广中文教学 创办一流的教育, 培养一流的学生; 快乐学中文, 互动练技能。

1. 小班制教学教师与学生比例不超19

2. 真实生活专题: 以学生熟悉的环境, 活动为主题编写专题使中文更接近孩子们的日常生活

3. E 时代功能建立24小时教学内容 趣味练习和多媒体的网上互动平台。

4. 学生为中心:采用目标教学, 协作学习, 个体指导的教学法, 满足每一个学生的学习需求。

5. 卓越的团队: 教学团队由中英文双语教学资深教师, 中文系语言学博士, 海外中文教学资深教师, 从事海外中文教学多年, 幼儿, 小学教育学博士, 中美教育研究专家构成

国际中文实验学校现有Norcross校区(4岁或以上)Cumming校区(4岁或以上)Suwannee 校区(4岁或以上)。教室内有适合孩子们学习的舒适环境,室外有孩子们活动的场地。


国际中文实验室春季班为您准备了丰富多彩的内容,设计了活泼有趣的课堂游戏以及网上互动练习。更多信息请访问: www.iChineseLab.com

国际中文实验室正在不断发展壮大中。鼓励教师创新,培养优秀中文教师也是学校宗旨之一。如果您热衷中文教学,中英文俱佳 (有北美幼儿园教学经验、熟悉美式孩童教学法者将优先考虑), 请将简历寄至:iChineseLab@yahoo.com



Email: iChineseLab@yahoo.com


Norcross 校区: 01/09/2010

Norcross II 校区: 01/10/2010

Suwannee校区: 01/10/2010


Norcross 校区: 每周六上午 10:00AM 12:00PM

Norcross II 校区: 每周一至四下午: 2:30PM 4:30PM

Suwannee校区: 每周五下午: 3:00PM 5:00PM



Kids R Kids (Norcross)

3180 Medlock Bridge Road,

Norcross, GA 30071

Norcross II校区

5000 Oakbrook Parkway

Norcross GA 30093

Suwannee 校区 (After school)

930 Peachtree Industrial Blvd
Suwanee, GA 30024


苏先生: (678) 232-7108








新年 New year

在匆匆旅途中迎来了圣诞, 和新的一年 。华盛顿让我们感受到了白色圣诞的魅力。

这是我第四次华盛顿之旅。前三次是家庭之旅,这一次是高中同学的聚会。四次均是在冬季,主要是参观博物馆,这一次我们还去了宾州的滑雪场 – 这倒让我们想起了夏天在chattahoochee河上的漂流。我们从覆盖着积雪的高坡上滑下, 惊叫着,一直触到坡底。老二妙妙也乐此不疲,玩了一遍又一遍还是毫无倦意。

从同学的脸上, 读出自己岁月的流痕。二十年未见,遽然在异域相遇,有说不出的喜悦。我们回味着家乡美食,年少时的种种趣事,时光宛若倒流至从前。

Puppet show: the last dragon on earth

That is a great show. We watched the show in the first floor. Rather than the scene is the who stage as in second floor theater, this is a show with smaller stage but all the performance is centered in the middle of the area. There are rodded, stringed and shaded puppets and the show is all in side the castle area.

We also enjoyed the workshop to build a rodded dragon puppet with a string too. The museum is full of saseme street puppets create Jim Henson and his team.

Per performer Bluegrass from Vermont, Atlanta’s center for puppet arts are the only puppet center in the states. We are so lucky to have it here in Atlanta so kids can enjoy the great puppet shows in Atlanta.

To day I noticed that in iddition to member reserved seats in tows 1-4, row 5 is reserved for a kids birthday. What a good idea!

Google Phone: It’s real

The long awaited google phone is finally materializing and today Google gave them to its employees to test out:

Google Releases Experimental Phone to Employees:

This is the phone I want. I need an unlocked phone, with data plan only, can run Skype to make calls, to be open-source based, can run Java. Google phone looks like, finally, my dream phone.

I like iphone/ipod, but I do not like the way that all is prepriotary. I don’t want to buy another pc/notebook to develop iphone apps running in a mystery OS uisng Object C. Wifi and Skype do not work well too. I hate they exclude Java programs from their OS and Steve Jobs’s rediculous comments about Java.

Did I mention that you can use your sd card to expand your storage without paying bigger bucks? Better than iPhones too!


Shame on me… I created a task in my Outlook named “regramding” that was due Friday morning at 8 am and I could not recall what that means!

I don’t know what I have missed but I just could not remember what this note is about. It is a mistery what I had missed and what this task/reminder is… No shortcut next time and a lesson learned.

Change domain name for joomla/virtuemart

It’s easy for Joomla itself (at its global config within online admin interface) but tricky for embedded virtuemart. Annoying thing is, after the domain name change you can not access config page online via admin interface.

Here is the file you have to make the changes to make virtuemart work after domain name change: (Remember you have to know what your folder your Joomla points to)


// these path and url definitions here are based on the Joomla! Configuration
define( ‘URL’, ‘http://newdomain.com/’ );
define( ‘SECUREURL’, ‘http://newdomain.com/’ );

After that all is set with your embedded virtuemart.