What is this line for?

Labor Day, Emory University. Several visitors stooping by asking what this line is for. End up being passport and visa applications as Chinese consulates from Houston stopped by. Pretty boring, huh?

Need more exercises

Sitting before a computer all day long. Definetely need more exercises!

I used to take a short walk around lunch time. But the outside is so hot I cannot do it now. Have to shift it to night while the weather is much cooler.

第190周周末中文竞赛 (2010年8月30日到2010年9月5日) 结果揭晓

Here is the winners list for last week:


第190周周末中文竞赛 (2010年8月30日到2010年9月5日) 结果已经揭晓。优胜者是:

Lili Wang, Andrus Holt, Claire Deng, Richard Zhang.

For details, please visit: http://www.ichineselab.com

第189周周末中文竞赛 (2010年8月23日到2010年8月29日) 结果揭晓

Here is the winners list for last week:
第189周周末中文竞赛 (2010年8月23日到2010年8月29日) 结果已经揭晓。优胜者是:
Lili Wang, Yeong Wei, David K.

For details, please visit: http://www.ichineselab.com