Chinese Input Method Practice – a letter to parents

I sent a letter to parents today asking for their support to help their kids to learn a Chinese input method based on structures of Chinese characters:

Dear Parents,

Please get yourself and your kids familiar with the following Chinese input method. We plan on using it as a way to help your kids to learn Chinese characters while at the same time to learn how to type Chinese in computers.

In several weeks we’ll ask your kids to start learning this Chinese input method. They are also expected to do some of the homework using this input method later on. Please ask them to practice it first and provide any feedback as much as you can.

和 码 在 线 输 入

Video about – he ma zi gen biao:

Some questions/answers:

Why not use PinYin input method?

It took way less time for kids here to learn Pin Yin. Once they get to know Pin Yin they found it really easy to “learn” Chinese. As a matter of fact, they are not actually learning Chinese, they are learning Pin Yin. If they are given a book/newspaper, chances are they don’t know what those characters are! That’s the typical case for kids in many Chinese schools. However, A successful Chinese program cannot allow kids to be illiterate. Because, unfortunately, no articles in books/newspapers are written in Pin Yin. Simply put, Pin Yin is NOT Chinese. It is so important that a Chinese program should focus ONLY on characters, not Pin Yin.

It is our intention to delay teaching Pin Yin until kids build a close, solid, relationship with characters. The same way goes to input method, we have to pick an input method based upon the structures of Chinese characters, not Pin Yin. We are NOT ONLY teaching kids to learn Chinese input method, we are at the same time take this opportunity to facilitate their learning of Chinese characters.

Why Not Wu Bi Zi Xing (WB) Input Method?

Everyone knows WB is the most widespread input method based on structures of Chinese characters. I pick He Ma for two reasons:

1) The learning curve for WB is huge. It assumes that learners already knew many Chinese characters and knew their structures. It’s not for kids, especially kids here with limited Chinese language exposure. It takes a fair amount of time to learn it, which is not practical for language learners.

2) WB cannot be used in cell/smart phones. He Ma, as the first input method, can be used both in keyboard and cell phone’s number pads because its internal codes are numeric, not English letters. Its input program can be used in PC, laptop and smart phones running operation systems like MS Mobile. We want your kids to learn an input method that is useful even after they leave our Chinese school and benefit from it. What they learned from PC can be used in cell phone to type Chinese in a numeric pad too.

3) In addition, He Ma has an online input interface so that you can type in Chinese in any operating system without installing any software, even in a cell phone. After you have used it first time online, you can type in Chinese offline afterwards!

只能看、不能读的中文 — 谐音文二例



国际中文实验室 绪蜚



译文:住在石头做的屋子里的姓施的诗人,喜欢狮子,发誓要吃十头狮子。姓施的常常到市集里看狮子。十点钟,刚好十头狮子来到市集。这时,刚好姓施的(也)来到市 集。姓(施)的看这十头狮子,仗着箭的力量,使这十头狮子死了。姓(施)的收拾这十头狮子,到石头做的屋子。石头做的屋子潮湿,姓(施)的命令侍者擦拭石 头做的屋子。石头做的屋子擦(好了),姓(施)的开始尝试吃这十头狮子。吃的时候,才知道这十头狮子,实际上是十座石头做的狮子的尸体。试解释这件事。

2.隋景芳 《狮食豕史》

狮识豕,豕识狮。始,狮嗜舐豕;豕适。豕时侍狮食柿,狮适。时逝,狮始试豕势。狮舐豕时,适时试噬豕。狮嗜豕时,豕试噬狮。狮嗜豕时,豕适示狮。豕噬狮 时,狮奭。豕始识狮势实势。豕蓍筮,筮示:狮实誓噬弑豕。豕饰失势,事事适狮。时时侍狮。师事狮。试使狮释豕。 是时,豕视虱噬狮,狮拭虱,狮实失适。豕舐狮时,噬虱示狮。豕时时噬虱示狮,使狮适。狮视豕噬虱,狮释。狮始识豕势实是噬虱,豕失势。狮始矢誓弑豕。适 时,豕适噬虱示狮,狮示豕:豕噬虱失实,豕实是试弑狮。狮始施狮式示豕。豕视狮式,豕失屎。狮始噬弑豕。


狮子与猪相识。开始的时候,狮子喜欢舔猪,猪很舒服。猪时常拿柿子喂狮子,狮子也很惬意。时 光流泻,狮子开始捉摸:猪的能力到底有多大呢?狮子在舔猪的时 候,找机会试探着咬猪一口。狮子咬猪的时候,猪也反咬狮子一口。狮子咬猪的时候,猪不知是计,还显出来很舒服的样子。而当猪咬狮子的时候,狮子却勃然大 怒。猪这才知道事态严重。猪去占卜吉凶, 结果显示:狮子确实想要吃猪。猪为了掩饰自己力量单薄,凡事都顺着狮子的意思去做。时时拿狮子当自己的老师一样伺候。想以此让狮子放过自己。有一次,猪看 见有虱子在咬狮子,狮子很不舒服,用爪子去拂弄虱子。猪就过去舔狮子的毛,咬死虱子给狮子看。猪时不时地就去帮狮子咬死虱子,好让狮子舒服些。以此讨好狮 子。狮子见识了猪的能力只不过如此,只能咬死一只虱子,弱势无疑。方才敢下定决心要把猪咬死。恰在这时,狮子又看见猪来给它咬虱子,狮子借机发难说:你咬 虱子不是你的本意,你是存心想要咬死我。说着,狮子摆开了架势,猛扑上去,拼命咬猪。猪见此状,吓得屎都拉了出来。

无论拼音多么完美, 无论伟人们如何动员“世界文字共同的拼音方向”拼音,从华人的心理上讲,它永远是汉字的辅助,无法代替汉字。从深层的感情上说,华人写汉语时,是排斥 蝌蚪文而更倾向于汉字的。试想,“室诗士施氏,誓食十狮”转写成“HI2SHI4 SHI1SHI4 SHI1SHI4,SHI4 SHI2 SHI2 SHI1”你知道它说的是什么?!


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