峄山刻石 Stone Carving at Yi Mountain

High Museum 展出的峄山刻石篆文到底写了些什么?

If you have had the chance to visit terracotta army at the High Museum of Art in Atlanta, Georgia, you would have seen a big wall full of huge characters. Those characters are in the Zhuan form of Chinese characters which are the standradized Chinese characters under China’s first Emperor Qin Shihuang, as shown below:

yashan keshi
yishan keshi


It is actually a poem with 222 characters, with four characters per line:


讨伐乱逆,威动四极,武义直 方。





追念乱世,分土建邦, 以开争理。




黔首康定,利泽长久。群臣诵略,刻此 乐石,以著经纪。

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